#1# EZ-Copy Lite by EZX Corporation EZ-Copy Lite was written by MaeDae Enterprises based on FastCopy by Systems, Software, Support of Houston, TX. EZ-Copy Lite turns your computer into a high speed diskette duplicating machine equalling the performance of many dedicated hardware diskette duplicators costing thousands of dollars. Comments or suggestions for improving EZ-Copy Lite will be appreciated. EZ-Copy Lite requires an IBM PC or compatible with 640K of RAM. Display adapters known to work with EZ-Copy Lite are the IBM monochrome (MDA), color (CGA), enhanced graphics (EGA), and video graphics array (VGA) adapters. EZ-Copy Lite supports 160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K format 5 1/4 inch disks. #20# General help for all menus: This menu is broken up into two basic windows. The window at the top of your screen shows several options to choose from. The window at the bottom of the screen expands on what will occur if you choose the highlighted option (the one that has a different background color). Options may be selected in one of two ways. You can either press the first letter of the desired command or move the highlight bar over the desired option and press enter. To move the highlight bar use either the space bar, up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, or right arrow. You can also use home to move to the first top line item on the menu. Using the first letter of a command only works in the ACTIVE window. If you don't have any pulldown then the active window is the top window. Once you pulldown one of the options that becomes the active window. You must use one of the commands in the pulldown once it is active. You can always use Escape to back out of the pulldown and return to the top menu. #21# You are now using the EZ-Copy Lite Main Menu. From here you can access the main functional areas of EZ-Copy. Refer to the On-Line Manual to get a feel for what a fully featured diskette duplicator can do. Please note that an abbreviated directory window will appear in the middle of your screen as soon as a valid source diskette has been loaded. It will show the diskette volume label (if any) and the first four file names. We have tried to design EZ-Copy to let you get your job done quickly and easily. Please feel free to forward any suggestions for improvement to us at EZX Corporation, Attn: EZ-Copy Lite Author. #100# Drive was not ready for read/write. Please ensure you have a floppy in the drive and the drive door is closed. Sometimes on very fast AT compatible computers with 1.2 Mb diskette drives the drive can't respond quickly enough. In this case try the operation again or add a utility to modify the timeout on the drive. Several programs are available to fix this disk drive timeout problem. #200# An error was detected while trying to read your source diskette. Please ensure the diskette is inserted in the specified drive and that the drive door is closed. Also you might try to take the diskette out and re-insert it back into the drive. Sometimes the diskette isn't centered correctly within the disk drive. The source was not loaded so you will not be able to make any copies. Only standard 160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K diskette formats are supported. #300# EZ-Copy Lite could not perform the requested operation. This screen gives help related to the format and copy diskette operations. An error occured during the requested operation. Listed below are some helpful hints with a detailed error listing provided on the next screen. Please ensure: 1. The diskette isn't write protected. 2. There really is a diskette in the destination drive. 3. There is no obvious physical damage to the diskette. 4. You aren't trying to save to a 1.2 Mb diskette in a 360 Kb disk drive. 5. You don't have any disk cache software that is trying to buffer writes to your floppy drive. 6. You really do have the specified destination drive. This error may be generated on some hard disk based systems where you boot from the hard disk. Try booting from a floppy containing your DOS. The problem may go away. We have seen this happen with certain versions of DOS, specifically Compaq DOS 3.31 and IBM PC DOS 4.0. We will continue to research the problem and provide an update ASAP! The next help screen will provide a detailed explaination of the error codes. #301# Error codes: Code Description 様様 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 0 Unable to bring the diskette in drive up to speed for operation 1 Bad command: invalid request made to diskette controller 2 Bad address mark: sector ID marking invalid or not found 3 Write protect error: attempt to write on protected diskette 4 Bad sector: requested sector not on diskette 8 DMA failure 9 DMA boundary error: attempt to DMA outside 64K area 16 Bad CRC: diskette read found invalid parity check of data 32 Controller failed: diskette controller malfunction 64 Bad seek: move to requested track failed 128 Time out: drive did not respond #400# This screen shows you a lot of technical information that probably seems very confusing at first. DOS uses all this information and more to keep track of information stored on floppy diskettes. As the IBM PC and DOS has evolved over the last few years so has the formats of the media used in the computer. This has caused a large number of formats for the media. EZ-Copy Lite uses the following drive types: 0 320K Double sided, 40 track, 8 sectors per track 1 160K Single sided, 40 track, 8 sectors per track 2 360K Double sided, 40 track, 9 sectors per track 3 180K Single sided, 40 track, 9 sectors per track Other information displayed on this page will need to be looked up in a DOS technical reference manual. You can easily obtain a book containing this information from your local computer store. Only standard 160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K diskette formats are supported. If you get an invalid drive type message then the diskette may be formatted in a 720K, 1.2M, or 1.44M format. These formats are not supported. *** More information about the diskette usage map follows. *** #401# A map of your diskette is also laid out before you. Any cluster with a * contains information. Any cluster with a . doesn't contain information. Information on how the clusters relate to absolute sides, tracks, sectors, etc. can be obtained using the info/drive status option under the utility section of EZ-Copy Lite. Only standard 160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K diskette formats are supported. If you get an invalid drive type message then the diskette may be formatted in a 720K, 1.2M, or 1.44M format. These formats are not supported. #600# You must first load a diskette before you can save it or compare it to another diskette. Use the load disk option to load a diskette. Did you have a disk error on the previous read? Only diskettes which have been read into memory can be written back out. If you are using this option to format diskettes first format a clean master diskette using your DOS. Load that diskette into EZ-Copy Lite. Turn the forced format option on for best results. You can now save as many copies of the diskette as desired. The result is the same as using DOS's format command but is faster. #650# You must first load a diskette before you can do a directory of it. Use the load disk option to load a diskette. The in-memory directory command looks at the diskette image stored in RAM and generates a directory from it instead of re-reading the diskette. This is much faster and more convient for the user. #660# The in-memory directory command allows you to do a directory of the source disk you have loaded in memory. This allows you to quickly check the contents of the in-memory diskette to ensure you have the correct diskette loaded for copies or compares. The in-memory directory displays a file number to keep track of the file you are on, the filename, file extension, and file size in bytes. This directory is obtained by checking the file allocation table (FAT) which is located in the image of the diskette stored in memory. This technique doesn't use DOS. EZCL tries to obtain the filenames from the information stored in memory. There is no other way without asking DOS to read the diskette directory from the floppy diskette. Our technique works on all versions of DOS up to DOS 4.01. Since this is the latest version available at this time, we feel the technique works under all known conditions. However, future versions of the DOS may change to format the FAT is stored on floppy diskettes. If this occurs, contact us to upgrade to the latest version of EZCL that supports your new DOS version. #700# EZ-Copy Lite can't legally format diskettes without violating copyright laws. Copyrighted information is stored on the boot tracks of each diskette. So we are forced to perform the format in two steps using the DOS FORMAT program that came with the DOS for your computer. Step 1: Format a diskette using the DOS FORMAT command. See your DOS manual for details. Step 2: Load and copy the freshly formatted diskette just as you would any other using EZ-Copy Lite. Use the forced format option for best compatibility with other machines. Thats all there is to it. #800# Use of this option is highly recommended for companies producing diskettes which need to be read on the widest range of computers. By forcing the format of a diskette you guarantee that data is laid down cleanly on the new tracks. If you simply write over old data without reformatting the diskette it can cause some problems with 1.2 Mb floppy drives. The 1.2 Mb drives are very picky on the AT. By reformatting the floppy it helps readability. Use of the forced format option will cause the copy operation to take about 50% longer than saving to a formatted floppy without forced format. If you are constantly saving to blank unformatted diskettes it is strongly recommended that you set the default at forced format. Without forced format EZ-Copy Lite first tries to write to the diskette, if that fails it will then set forced format to on for this one copy only. You can save the one or two seconds test time by telling EZ-Copy Lite to just go ahead and format the floppy without testing to see if the diskette is already formatted. Note: If you are always working with unformatted diskettes, using this this option will save you about 1/2 second per copy. EZ-Copy Lite, like DOS, first tries to write to the floppy before resorting to formatting. You are saving the time it takes to determine the floppy isn't formatted. #900# This option allows you to define the default path for accessing the on-line manual and context sensitive help. Make sure you include the index file (.INX) along with the help/manual file (.TXT) in the specified directory. #1000# This option alows you to enable/disable the sound or beeps on errors. Some people find programs that beep on errors to be annoying (me for one). This option will allow you to disable ALL warning beeps in EZ-Copy Lite. #1100# This menu allows you to change all the colors used in EZ-Copy Lite. To change a default color - first use the up or down arrow key to select the color, then type in the new color. When you have changed all the colors press Ctrl+D to display these colors in a sample window. As with all installation options, these changes will not be used until you choose the retain option on the main menu. This allows you to experiment with the installation options and then not have to lose your original defaults. Please keep in mind the foreground text colors can be 0-15, the background 0-7. If you choose a text color the same as a background color then the text will disappear. You may notice some of your installed color combinations result in invisible lines on the Ctrl+D popup window. Please be careful not to choose this color for one of your text colors!! Note: For many of the EZ-Copy installable options and user inputs you will see a prompt containing the characters . If you count the number of 's you will find the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Also Escape is used throughout EZ-Copy to signal "I want out". Press Enter, up arrow, down arrow, or whatever is asked for to enter the desired value. Escape will throw away any immediate changes and get you out of the area you are in. #1101# Please note that the background color (0-7) is one digit long and the foreground color (0-15) is two digits long. That is why you will see the input prompt (the  s) change it's width as you go between the colors. #1200# This screen shows the possible combinations of colors in EZ-Copy Lite. If you are using a non IBM display adapter you may have to "play" with the colors to get a pleasing combination. EZ-Copy defaults to colors that work well with the IBM Color Graphics Adapter, IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter, and IBM Monochrome Display Adapter. On some monochrome display adapter clones you may need to alter a foreground text color to get the background to change intensity. The default combination of colors will work on any 100% IBM PC compatible display adapter! #1300# EZ-Copy Lite allows the help & manual paths, program colors, etc. to be saved in a configuration file. If no configuration file is specified on the command line (ex. C:>EZCL C:\EZCL\MyConfg.CNF) when you call up EZ-Copy then EZ-Copy will use the default name of EZCL.CNF. You are being asked for the name of the configuration file to load. You may have several configuration files saved under different names. Example: BW.CNF (for black and white composite monitors attached to a composite color card), etc. Please make sure that the configuration file you are asking EZ-Copy to use is really an EZ-Copy configuration file! Remember you can always press ESC if you got into this area by accident. #1400# EZ-Copy Lite allows the default help/manual paths, program colors, etc to be saved in a configuration file. If no configuration file is specified on the command line (ex. C:>EZCL C:\EZCL\MyConfg.CNF) when you call up EZ-Copy then EZ-Copy will use the default name of EZCL.CNF. You are being asked for the name of the configuration file to save all the program defaults to. You may have several configuration files saved under different names. Examples: BW.CNF (for black and white composite monitors attached to a composite color card), etc. Please remember you can always press ESC if you got into this area by accident. #1500# The diskettes you are trying to compare are not the same type. Diskettes come in 160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K varieties on the IBM PC (5 1/4 inch low density). You are trying to compare one format with another. This can't be performed. Use the utilities section of EZ-Copy Lite to determine the diskette type. #1510# The compare of the two diskettes failed. The diskette stored in memory is not the same as the diskette you asked EZ-Copy Lite to compare it to. #1520# The diskette in memory is the same as the diskette you compared it to. Both the format (160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K) are the same and the contents are the same. A complete byte for byte comparison was performed. The comparison was performed on the in-memory disk and the specified diskette one byte at a time. If any byte wasnn't the same, you would have been shown a different window saying that the diskettes were not the same. #20050# Quick startup info: EZ-Copy Lite is a diskette duplication program which lets you, the user, mass produce diskettes quickly and easily. It allows you to read a diskette once and then make as many copies as you want. EZ-Copy Lite supports all standard 5 1/4 inch low density formats. The standard formats are: 160K, 180K, 320K, and 360K. To copy a diskette use the Copy pulldown off the main menu. Insert the diskette you would like to copy. Next tell EZ-Copy Lite where you put the diskette by pressing 1 for drive A: or 2 for drive B:. Your diskette will be loaded into memory. Take out your master source diskette and place the diskette you would like to make the copy on into a drive, it doesn't matter which drive. Now it is time to tell EZ-Copy Lite to make the copy. Press A to make the copy in drive A: or B for drive B:. EZ-Copy Lite will automatically format your floppy if it isn't already formatted. Repeat this step to make as many copies as you want. Isn't it nice not to have to reload your source diskette each time? Refer to other sections of the On-Line Manual for additional information. F1 is available to call up help while you are using EZ-Copy Lite. #20051# 敖陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳朕  Commonly Asked Questions  青陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳潰 1. Will EZ-Copy Lite (EZCL) duplicate copy protected diskettes? No. EZCL will only duplicate unprotected diskettes with no bad sectors. 2. Why does EZCL require 640K of RAM? EZCL holds an entire 360K diskette in memory allowing you to make multiple copies without reading the source diskette for each copy. Total RAM used is 360K (for in memory diskette) + 100K (for EZCL) + 80K (for DOS 4.0) = 540K. 3. What about 3 1/2" 720K, 1.44M, 5 1/4" 1.2M, and serialization? See the sales literature section of the on-line manual. #20100# EZ-Copy Lite allows you to read an entire diskette into memory and then make as many copies as you want without reading the master diskette again. To do this it must retain an image of the master diskette in memory. This image can take up to 360K of storage space. That is the major reason EZ-Copy Lite requires 640K RAM for operation. EZ-Copy Lite out performs DOS's diskcopy both in speed and in safety of the operation. EZ-Copy Lite speeds up the access times of your disk drive allowing quicker reads and writes. It also verifys the copy by checking the CRC written to the diskette during the copy process. When making a copy, EZ-Copy Lite (unless told otherwise) will check the diskette to see if it is already formatted and then proceed either with the copy or the format and copy. Just feed it diskettes, you don't need to worry about the destination diskette. Nothing could be easier! System requirements: An IBM PC or totally compatible clone, 640K of RAM, and IBM PC DOS version 3.0 or later. EZ-Copy Lite should work with any version of MS DOS 3.0 or later but has not been tested with all the possible MS DOS versions. #20200# 浜様様様様曜様様様様様様様様様様様様様曜様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 DOS-EZCL PC DOS 3.1 Diskcopy EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.0 Timing 麺様様様用様様様様冤様様様様陵様様様用様様様様冤様様様様 Tests Load Save Fmt &Save Load Save Fmt &Save 麺様様様様洋様様様様慷様様様謡様様様様洋様様様様慷様様様謡様様様様郵 4.77MHZ PC 28 sec 45 sec 105 sec 28 sec 44 sec 60 sec * 把陳陳陳陳鍔陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳鍔陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳超 8MHZ PC-AT 27 sec 42 sec 59 sec 26 sec 42 sec 58 sec ** 把陳陳陳陳鍔陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳鍔陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳超 10MHZ PCAT 27 sec 44 sec 60 sec 18 sec 34 sec 58 sec *** 藩様様様様擁様様様様詫様様様溶様様様様擁様様様様詫様様様溶様様様様夕 Notes: EZ-Copy Lite (EZCL) is a fast, safe, and easy to use diskette duplication program. Pull down menus, context sensitive help, on-line manual, and multiple copies per read are supported. Times may change as we continue to improve EZ-Copy Lite. Please note that the faster your computer, the more EZ-Copy Lite out performs IBM PC DOS. EZ-Copy Lite can make multiple copies/compares per read. Diskcopy can't. EZ-Copy Lite out performs PC DOS for multiple operations! #20201# All benchmarks are based on version 1.0 of EZ-Copy Lite on the listed machines. Later versions of EZ-Copy Lite include more features and may need faster PCs (a 80286/80386 PC) to provide the same performance level. The machines used for testing: * IBM PC running an 4.77 MHz 8088 with 1 memory wait state ** Zenith Z248 running an 8 MHz 80286 with 1 memory wait state *** IBM PC AT running an 10 MHz 80286 with 1 wait state (factory 6 MHz) The above times are affected by the DOS version, both by its revision and its source (IBM, Compaq, etc). Any small change in your hardware may throw off the timing of EZ-Copy Lite. Memory resident programs slow down EZ-Copy Lite and may drastically (up to 50%) slow the disk operations. Even such a small thing as displaying the track number while copying took many hours of work to speed up to where it didn't slow down operations. All tests were run with IBM PC DOS with no memory resident programs. If your timing tests show results radically different from the above figures please write us with figures. If you did better we will praise EZ-Copy Lite, if you did worse we will try to find something to blame it on. For additional speed and media formats inquire about EZX's EZ-Copy Plus! #20300# HISTORY OF REVISIONS: 様様様様様様様様様様 EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.0 Aug 1988 Basic Version. Quickly make disk copies. On-line manual and context sensitive help make it easy. No cryptic DOS commands needed. EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.1 Sep 1988 Added on screen file directory and additional help and manual screens. EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.2 Nov 1988 Expanded on-line help and manual. A few minor touchups and bug fixes. EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.3 Mar 1989 Added a diskette compare function. Now replaces both diskcopy and diskcomp. Released EZ-Copy Plus to handle 1.2M 5 1/4 inch diskettes and 720K/1.44M 3 1/2 inch formats. See sales lit for more info (Unbelievable performance!). EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.4 Jun 1989 A few minor enhancements and bug fixes. #20301# EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.5 Jul 1989 Faster, smaller, ... Replaced several C routines with faster and smaller assembly language routines. About 6K less memory required for registered version. EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.6 Oct 1989 A little faster and smaller. Reduced the overhead in a few areas resulting in about 5K less memory required for registered version. A few minor bug fixes and touchups. EZ-Copy Lite ver 1.7 Feb 1990 Smaller and faster. Combined help and on-line manual files to save about 3K. Added 360K diskette format capability. Several other areas were touched up. #20500# GENERAL: 様様様様 1. EZ-Copy Lite was developed by Dave Black of MaeDae Enterprises. 2. Special thanks to Jim Nech for his technical advice on how to speed up EZ-Copy Lite. 3. EZ-Copy Lite was written in C with the core disk routines in assembly language. It uses the Professional C Windows described below. The source for EZ-Copy Lite consists of about 8,000 lines of code. 4. Special thanks to Jim Nech at SSS for his excellent C & Assembly language windowing package (Professional C Windows) used in EZ-Copy Lite. It comes with complete source code and is only $89. This package is a must for software developers (info/orders 713-484-8060). #20900# EZX Publishing Publishers of the EZ Series P.O. Box 58177 Webster, TX 77598 USA EZX Publishing for the EaZy computing eXperience! ~ ~ ~ * More info? Call us at 713-280-9900 BBS:713-280-8180 FAX:713-280-0525 * See end of this notice for more ordering information. * Updated 2/1/90. Pricing, terms, etc. subject to change without notice. For your computing pleasure, EZX Publishing presents: EZ-FORMS LITE EZFL Ver. E2x. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Great price, Less bytes than EZFX! - Never be without the perfect form with the PREMIER forms processor! - Create/Fill-in/Print/Revise all kinds of forms. #20901# - And, when you have the perfect form, print a perfect master for your copier or local printer. - Or, leave the master form on screen, fill in your data, and print the perfect form, error free. - In just a snap! Your filled-in form can be automatically stored, each with its own control number. - It's like having an electronic filing cabinet for perfect audit control. - You can make solid borders, lines, shades, combs and numerous graphics with just a few key strokes. - In fact, you can create the perfect custom form faster than your local typesetter can say ... OVERCHARGE! - Clear Forms Overlay is great for pre-printed forms. Just enter your data in the available spaces on the master form while previewing the results on screen. - It prints perfectly! No more "goof-ups" and wastage of those expensive multi-part forms. Speeds processing too. Features include: - Auto-time/date/sequence numbering; - Block cut/paste/copy; import/export; #20902# - Forms up to 130 columns by 86 lines. - Operates on IBM(tm) family and close compatible computers. DOS 2.1+, 320K RAM and 1 floppy required. - Complete printer drivers included. Supports most printers including Epson(tm)/IBM and compatible printers; also the HP-LaserJet(tm) and compatibles ("Y" cartridge; other fonts may vary - see soft font pack below). Over 90 user modifiable forms also included. Additional new features include: - Slick user interface with moving bar "pull-down" menus and on-line help; - Annotated forms directory; - "LQ" 24 pin dot matrix and integrated Laser printer support (see optional laser Font pack below); - Bolding and underlining; - Printed user guide - 90+ basic forms template/style sheet pack included. Available 3/1/90: Version E20 adds: 4-function math (+-*/), and directory sorting. Only $59+s/h (Extra forms packs... see below.) #20903# EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE EZFX Ver.2.x. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - "The Ultimate Forms Generator and Manager". In addition to all the features of EZ-FORMS LITE, add: - Moving-bar menus with over 125 screens of on-line help; - A comprehensive printed manual/tutorial; - Math (add, subtract, multiply, divide, column/row addition, more); - Macros (keystroke record/playback makes form fill-out a breeze); - ASCII data file merge; - Auto date, time, increment numbering; - Multi-character drawing; - Fill-in and file; - Clear forms overlay (for pre-printed forms); - Chain (multi-page forms) and multy-copy printing; - Handles forms up to 248 columns by 132 lines; - Enhanced printer support includes extensive user modifiable printer attributes and embedded characters, also double/single block/shade character line drawing and any character "drag" modes; #20904# - Italics, superscript, subscript, double wide, bold, underline, etc. are supported for properly equipped printers. - Laser Printer (HP & compatibles) support includes auto font downloading, graphics emulation and custom font support (see optional font disk below) - "LQ" 24 pin. and 9 pin dot matrix printers are also fully supported. Other features include: - File encryption to protect sensitive files; - File compression to save valuable disk space; - File description annotation; - Increment number counter (different number on each form) printing; - Auto-tab/fill-in and file (makes filling out pre-printed forms a snap); - Field markers (lock out designated areas); - Vertical typing; - Large character translation; - Math zero suppression; - Word-wrap, centering, justification; - Cut and paste; - Protected field overide; - Graphics "walk-around" mode; #20905# - Fully customizeable printer drivers; - User definition of embedded characters; - Mouse support for Logitech and Microsoft mice. - Operates on IBM family and close compatible computers. DOS 2.1 or higher, 512K free RAM and a hard drive are required. - 101+ pre-designed and user modifiable forms (Basic Forms Pack) included. - Comprehensive printed user guide is included. UPGRADE INFORMATION. If you own a registered copy of any EZ-FORMS, call 1-713-280-9900 for upgrade details. Have your registration number handy. Ask about the FORMS Combo Pack Special Offer! New features of Version 2.4 Avail 3/1/89 - Over 200 screens of on-line help/manual. - Expanded math: 15 digits, square and other roots, trig, financial, etc. More than 40 functions. 100 accumulators for intermediate calculations. - User configurable math auto-recalc. - Improved CFO for pre-printed forms. Automatic grid generator. - Expanded manual with triple the content. #20906# - Data Export in 8 different ASCII delimited formats. - Search Mode: Like a mini free form database. - View/Search/Edit/Print from any forms directory. - Expanded HP LaserJet/Compatible printer support. With the optional HPLJ Font Support Pack 2.1, you get capability of 10 different fonts per forms and up to 15 graphic images per form. - Requires 640K (512 free) and a hard disk for operation. - Sorted directories, makes recursive directories very quick. - Keyboard macros with an Auto-start feature. - Support for non-USA characters like 、ぅ etc. - Menu integration to EZ-InFORMa dB manager. (See EZ-InFORMa dB below.) - Plus Much more... Only $119+s/h (Extra forms packs... see below.) #20907# EZ-InFORMa dB The DATABASE your FORMS have been waiting for! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now you can fill out your forms into a database.... ..... Coming soon! E.T.A. 3/90 - Handles inFORMation quickly and easily. - Even converts from several other popular data formats, like fixed length, ASCII and "FileExpress". - Reads/writes industry standard .dbf files. dBase III, III+, and IV. - Will even create an input screen for you from your .DBF file. - Handles over 2.1 BILLION records, limited only by disk space. - Full tutorial for the database novice. "DR" program is included to create a meaningful database of all files on any hard or floppy drive. - Quickly create a database from an existing form (.FRM). - Easily match a database to any existing form. - On-line manual and extensive context sensitive help. - Query, seek, find, and browse modes to quickly scan your records. - View your database in any form - after the fact. - Print fancy labels using a form as a label, auto horiz. space suppr. #20908# - Easily modify database format to add/delete fields, and change field sizes. - Quick report feature for on-the-fly counting, summing, and averaging. - Choose which fields show up on a form, and where. - Multiple indexes: Have your database sorted every which way, so you don't have to wait. - Automatic indexing as new records are added. - Duplicate search mode. - Merge or append other database files. - Keyboard macros for those repetitive tasks. - Repeat keys for repetitive data insertion, date, time, etc. - Memo fields that allow meaningful comments of any length. - Field validations: numeric, logical, date. - Can be used as a fill-out only module for EZFX or EZFL. - Menu integration to EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE or EZ-FORMS LITE. - Forms printing with all the features supported in the source form. That is, EZ-FORMS LITE or EXECUTIVE applicable attributes, incl. math. - Requirements: PC/XT/286/386 or compatible computer running DOS 2.1+ and a minimum of a 10 MB hard drive (floppy for loading). Also, EZFX v2.4 or EZFL vE20 or higher is required to modify master forms. A default form #20909# will be generated with each input .dbf file, if desired. A number of pre-designed forms and applications are included, but they can only be modified with EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE, or EZ-FORMS LITE. - Call for multiple copy, site license, or LAN pricing. $ stc w/o notice. Only $69+s/h (Note: EZ-FORMS LITE or EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE is HIGHLY recommended.) This is a limited time introductory price! Subject to change w/o notice. Bundled InFORMapacks: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - EZ-InFORMa dB EXECUTIVE Only $169+s/h ... a $188 value! Includes EZ-InFORMa dB ($69) and EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE ($119) - EZ-InFORMa dB LITE Only $119+s/h ... a $128 value! Includes EZ-InFORMa dB ($69) and EZ-FORMS LITE ($59) #20910# OPTIONAL FORMS PACKS for EZFX and EZFL --- None duplicated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (See Order Coupon for special offer on the Combo Pack.) Forms Pack "A" (General Business): 68+ forms , ...Only $29 Forms Pack "B" (Sales and Marketing): 56+ forms, ...Only $29 Forms Pack "C" (Management and Personnel): 33+ forms, ...Only $19 Forms Pack "D" (Technical): 47+ forms, ...Only $24 Forms Pack "E" (Home and Personal): 27+ forms, ...Only $15 Forms Pack "F" (Contracts): 22+ forms, ... Only $15 Forms Pack "G" (Property Management): 40+ forms, ...Only $24 Forms Pack "H" (Home/Office Records): 60+ forms, ... Only $14 Forms Pack "I" (Construction Related) 70+ forms Only $29 Forms Pack "J" (Geneology Realted): 60+ forms, ... Only $15 Forms Combo Pack (Over 400 forms! Includes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, & J above): ... Only $99 with EZFX or $119 with EZFL ($200+ SRP) #20911# Laser Font Support Pack 2.1 (Requries EZFX 2.2+) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Includes over 100 soft fonts (GOTHIC, COURIER, PRESTIGE, in portrait, landscape, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 point), and over 100 graphic images. Also, you can generate print macros, view/edit .RLE graphics, etc. Only $99+s/h (only $69 with your EZFX Ver.2.3 order) Laser Font Support Pack 1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 downloadable soft fonts for the HP LaserJet Plus, Series II and compatibles. Includes 5 portrait and 5 landscape fonts in "LINE PRINTER BOLD". 10, 11, 12, 15 and 17 pitch are represented. Fonts are auto-downloadable with EZFX 2.1+ and include the line drawing, block, shade, etc. graphics characters not normally included with other soft fonts. Includes download utility. (Does not give multi-font capability to EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE.) $49+s/h (Only $39 with purchase of EZ-FORMS LITE, or EZ-SPREADSHEET) #20912# EZ-SPREADSHEET(tm) "THE ULTIMATE SPREADSHEET" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You too can become a spreadsheet pro in 20 minutes or less! EZ-SPREADSHEET won't confuse you, try your patience, or force you to learn 457 commands to get started. What you get is a spreadsheet that will produce 64 columns by 512 rows; more than enough for 99% of user's needs. EZS requires an IBM family or compatible computer, DOS 2.1+, 256K ram minimum and 1 disk drive. Any monitor and almost any printer will work. For Epson type printers, a sideways printing program is supplied. Includes printed manual/tutorial plus 5 sample spreadsheets. Only $49+s/h (Rev. S2x) EZ-COPY LITE(tm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever had to copy a batch of floppies? Well, do it like the pros do (EZX developed this program for our own use!!) EZ-COPY allows you to make unlimited copies after just 1 master disk read. Just like a #20913# dedicated hardware duplicator (which can cost thousands), and just about as fast! Other features include verify, format only, directory infomation, extensive on-line help, and more. 5.25" floppy disks only. Requires 640K RAM and PC/MS DOS 3.0+, and at least 1 floppy drive. Only $39+s/h EZ-COPY PLUS(tm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ULTIMATE diskette duplicator for the PC you already own! Great for publishers, developers, MIS managers, etc. Makes ulimited copies of 5.25" and 3.5" disks. Replaces machines costing thousands. Also serializes, formats, and takes true compressed disk images (beats most copy protecton) to store to hard drive or transmit via modem. Uses EMS or extended RAM, if available. Requires 640K RAM, hard drive, and PC/MS DOS 3.0+, and at least 1 floppy drive required. Only $129+s/h #20914# Don't want to produce your own diskettes? Call us for a quote on our duplication services. 713-280-9900. MENU-EZX (tm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest hard disk menu system on the market. Every novice can use it. Get set up in no time. Requires only 4K of RAM to operate, thus leaving plenty of room for all of your applications. Requires a hard drive and DOS 3+. Only $39+s/h #20915# EZ-CRYPT LITE (tm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Protect your sensitive files the easy, menu driven way. Even we can't unravel them if we don't have your "key"! Advanced encryption routines ensure protection for your data. Completely menu driven for the novice user. Encryption, decryption, and cryptanalysis program. Context sensitive help and on-line manual make it easy! Requires 384K RAM and DOS 3.0+. Only $39+s/h EZ-CRYPT DES (tm) Available 4/1/90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the features of EZ-CRYPT LITE, but also adds the DES or Data Encryption Standard encryption to your files if you choose. Additional features include keyboard macros, DOS Shell, and a host of other features. This is the ultimate in file security, don't trust the protection of your important data to anything less. Requires 512K RAM and DOS 3.0+. Only $119+s/h #20916# EZX-WRITE(tm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WordStar (MicroPro) compatible word processor with hundreds of features including: Pulldown menus with on-line help; windows let you edit two files at once; Macros for "recording" repetitive commands or boilerplate; print spooling - allows you to continue editing while your printer prints; Supports all popluar printers - bold, italics, underline, super/subscript, and alternate fonts are available - or create your own printer drivers; DOS shell for formatting that ever full diskette; EGA monitor support; headers and footers; lightning fast search and replace; word wrap and justification; "undo"; adjustable tabs, margins and ruler lines; "point-and-shoot" directories; automatic file backup; block copy, move, delete, read or write from disk, even between windows and documents; user defined colors; Requires IBM family of computers or compatible, with 256K ram, DOS 2.1+, one disk drive, any monitor, and a compatible printer. $49+s/h (Rev. W23) DOC Disk "A" 125 Business/Personal Letters & Contracts: $29 DOC Disk "B" 100 Legal Documents: $29 Only $10 each with EZXW purchase. #20917# ANNOUNCING PRIORITY SERVICE REGISTRATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For an additional $39 (no shipping) for the first registration number, $19 for each additional, you can enjoy the benefits of PRIORITY Service. Benefits include: - "First place" priority on all customer service calls. - A same day call back if a rep. is unavailable when you call. (USA-only). - Unlimited BBS support with special file areas for PSR customers. - Call us for the latest benefits. - First-in-line notification of all upgrades. - Free damaged disk replacement. - PSR customers are randomly selected as beta testers. #20918# ORDER INFO: ~~~~~~~~~~~ SEE ORDER COUPON! Or, if you are ordering with a VISA, MasterCard, or American Express/Optima, feel free to call in your order at 1-800-USEASYX (1-800-USEASYX -- CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY --- INFO: 1-713-280-9900). The Information and customer service line is 1-713-280-9900. FAX ORDERS: 1-800-SEE-FAX-EZX (1-800-733-3293) FAX INFO: 1-713-280-0525 BBS: 1-713-280-8180 (1200/2400, N, 8, 1) Mail orders to: EZX Publishing, P.O. BOX 58177 Dept. ORD, Webster, TX 77598 USA. (s/h add, $6 USA/48, $10 AK, HI, PR, APO, FPO, VI, Canada, $20 foreign.) Pricing and terms are subject to change without notice. Code 2/1/90. #END#